

If you are reading these lines is because maybe you are curious or interested in knowing something about me. For that intention, I thank you and take this opportunity to tell you that when I am asked who I am, I usually feel that I slide from the inside to the outside of me, looking for the closest words to answer both the question and the meaning of my own experience. In this sense, I am a woman, a mother, and an artist.

To that resolution, I would add that I forged a common bond with the people in the United States that made me a citizen. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela (1968) and currently live in Miami, Florida where I create most of my work as an artist, expressed in performance and photography.

During a particular time of my aesthetics development, I decided to create multiple fictional characters with women’s appearance by manipulating my physical appearance, thus producing various proposals with a specific pop influence that evokes exuberant aspects of certain cultures and communities.

Based on this course of ideas that refer to processes of interaction, movements, and constructions about different ways of being, I began to relate the experiences of people within their social systems to understand how each individual affects the experience of others. From that approach, my practice focused on the evolution of change and the adaptation of people’s identities.

In this regard, I was interested in discovering the reality of people socially displaced or not accepted because of their appearance, political beliefs, economic conditions, social identity, and sexual preferences. In this way, concepts and notions about these experiences appear in my practice as a flashing light that seeks to raise activism about identity, gender roles, and social stereotypes.

I am attracted to document family ties, the alternating succession of opposing events, the mutation of a very dissimilar nature, and the expressions that model stereotypes capable of influencing norms and values.

I also explore themes related to personal experiences linked to my family’s history through photographic albums and migratory experiences.